In the lead up to the launch of eTeki’s new self service tech interview marketplace, we’ve looked hard at what makes a marketplace great. We studied other successful (and not so successful) marketplaces, and reached out to our own customers to find out.
Is it pricing? Convenience? Detailed user reviews? Amazing seller profiles? Security and data privacy?
As with most things, it’s complicated. Of course there are multiple factors that influence the success of a marketplace. But what’s the most important key to success? Read on to find out.
Value and transparency are the key here. The beauty of the marketplace model is that supply and demand dictate pricing, and higher quality sellers are rightfully able to charge a premium for their services. eTeki’s sellers (our expert technical interviewers) have a variety of backgrounds and experiences, so it’s always possible to find an interviewer with the required skills at a variety of price points.
Security and privacy
Keeping your data secure and private is essential, which is why eTeki’s technology platform for on demand interviews has been so focused on these areas as a priority. No marketplace can be successful unless its users can trust it 100%.
Seller profiles
Detailed information about each seller is key for users to be able to understand the product or service they’re getting. eTeki’s marketplace contains extensive information about the skills, background and work experience of each interviewer so that users can choose the best interviewer for the job. To avoid overwhelm and provide a great fit, eTeki’s algorithms suggest suitable interviewers based on a number of criteria.
User reviews
A big part of the marketplace experience is being able to trust you’ll get exactly what you expect. User reviews go a long way to help build that trust. Who better to provide detailed information about a product than other customers! This is one of the big reasons why Amazon was able to grow so quickly.
User ratings are a transparent and non-biased way to help potential users understand whether a marketplace is worth using. If many users have a great experience, it encourages new users to try it out for the first time.
What’s the most important factor when it comes to trusting a marketplace?
When we surveyed our own users and the social stratosphere asked them what makes them trust marketplaces. The overwhelming response was user reviews, with nearly 70% rating it as the most important factor. It’s this detailed feedback from existing users that really inspires confidence in marketplaces and their sellers.
We’ve built transparent user reviews into the eTeki marketplace experience, along with many other features that we know our users will love. If you’re looking for help with unbiased technical on demand interviews from experts, we’d love for you to check out our new self service tech interview marketplace.

Amanda Cole, Vice President at eTeki
Amanda Cole has more than 20 years of experience developing innovative programs staffed by non-traditional workforce’s including freelancers, paid & unpaid interns, boards of directors, special event volunteers, and skill-based volunteer programs. The annual value of services rendered for the largest programs exceeded $18M. She is a communications professional with superior facilitation and training skills, an engaging public speaking presence, and a fanatic about synergistic business relationships.