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Quiz: Are Your Technical Interviews Up to the Test?

Quality, quick technical interviews are tremendous assets in the effort to make the best tech hires.

Two key words here are “quality” and “quick.” If your technical interviews aren’t properly conducted, they won’t do nearly as good a job of telling you whether candidates have the technical skills and experience necessary to succeed in a given role. And if your technical interviews aren’t scheduled, conducted and scored fast enough, you could be losing in-demand IT talent to your competitors.

To find out whether your technical interviews are as good as they need to be, take this 10-question quiz.

Helpful Resources
If you’re interested in learning more about how you can improve your technical interviews, and make better IT hires, some of the following blog posts should be useful:

  1. The Startup Executive’s Quick Guide to Technical Interviews
  2. 3 Common Technical Interviewing Mistakes That Can Spoil Your IT Hiring
  3. 3 Steps for Providing a Great Technical Interview Candidate Experience
  4. 9 Keys for Highly Effective Technical Interviews

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